Class BaseEngine

  extended by com.vodafone360.people.engine.BaseEngine
Direct Known Subclasses:
ActivitiesEngine, ContactSyncEngine, ContentEngine, GroupsEngine, IdentityEngine, LoginEngine, PresenceEngine, SyncMeEngine, UpgradeEngine

public abstract class BaseEngine
extends java.lang.Object

Base-class for all Engines implemented by the People Client.

Nested Class Summary
static interface BaseEngine.IEngineEventCallback
          Interface which must be implemented by engine client.
private static class BaseEngine.UiQueueItem
          Class to encapsulate client request information.
Field Summary
private  java.lang.Integer mActiveRequestId
          Set by the setReqId(int) function to store the request ID when a engine makes a request to the server.
protected  ServiceUiRequest mActiveUiRequest
          Current UI Request if one is active, otherwise null.
private  java.lang.Boolean mCommsResponseOutstanding
          true if a Comms response is waiting in the comms response queue for processing, false otherwise.
protected  java.lang.Long mCurrentTimeout
          Current timeout based on current time in milliseconds if one is pending, otherwise null.
private  boolean mDeactivated
          true if the engine is deactivated (for test purposes), false otherwise.
protected  EngineManager.EngineId mEngineId
          All engines must set this field to a unique ID
protected  BaseEngine.IEngineEventCallback mEventCallback
          Callback provided by EngineManager
private  java.lang.Object mMutex
          mutex for thread synchronization
private  java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue<BaseEngine.UiQueueItem> mUiQueue
          Used to implement the UI request queue.
private  boolean mUiRequestOutstanding
          true if a UI request is waiting in the UI request queue for processing, false otherwise.
private  boolean resetDone
          Flag set when a request to reset the engine is made and the engine has performed its reset tasks.
Constructor Summary
BaseEngine(BaseEngine.IEngineEventCallback eventCallback)
          Public constructor.
Method Summary
 void addUiRequestToQueue(ServiceUiRequest request, java.lang.Object data)
          Helper function for use by the derived engine class to add a UI request to the queue.
(package private)  void clearReset()
          Clears the reset flag.
protected  void clearTimeout()
          Cancels the current timer (has no effect if the timer was not active).
protected  void completeUiRequest(ServiceStatus status)
          A helper function that can be called by the derived engine implementation to complete the current UI request.
protected  void completeUiRequest(ServiceStatus status, java.lang.Object data)
          A helper function that can be called by the derived engine implementation to complete the current UI request.
protected  void deactivateEngine()
          Called by the framework to deactivate the engine.
protected  void emptyUiRequestQueue()
          Called by engines in the UI thread to cancel all UI requests.
 EngineManager.EngineId engineId()
          Return id for this engine.
private  BaseEngine.UiQueueItem fetchNextUiRequest()
          Helper function for use by the derived engine class to fetch the next UI request from the queue.
static ServiceStatus genericHandleResponseType(java.lang.String requiredResp, java.util.List<BaseDataType> data)
          A helper function for the derived engine implementation to use.
protected  long getCurrentTimeout()
          The result of this function must be returned by getNextRunTime() instead of -1 for the timer to work.
abstract  long getNextRunTime()
          Return the absolute time in milliseconds when the engine needs to run (based on System.currentTimeMillis).
(package private)  boolean getReset()
          Gets the reset flag.
protected  boolean isCommsResponseOutstanding()
          Should be called by the getNextRunTime() and run() functions to check if there are any comms responses waiting to be processed.
 boolean isDeactivated()
          Called by the framework to determine if the engine should run.
protected  boolean isUiRequestOutstanding()
          Helper function to determine if there is any work outstanding in the UI request queue.
 void onCommsInMessage()
          Called by the EngineManager when a comms response is received.
abstract  void onCreate()
          This will be called immediately after creation.
abstract  void onDestroy()
          This will be called just before the engine is shutdown.
protected abstract  void onRequestComplete()
          This function must be implemented in the derived engine implementation.
 void onReset()
          Engines can override this function to do any special handling when a reset is needed.
protected abstract  void onTimeoutEvent()
          The derived engine implementation must call the processTimeout() function (normally from within the run() implementation), otherwise this will not be called.
private  void onUiRequestComplete(ServiceUiRequest request, ServiceStatus status, java.lang.Object data)
          Helper function which must be called to complete a UI request.
protected  boolean processCommsInQueue()
          Should be called by the run() function to process the comms in queue.
protected abstract  void processCommsResponse(ResponseQueue.Response resp)
          The derived engine implementation must call the processCommsInQueue() function (normally from within the run() implementation), otherwise this will not be called.
protected  boolean processTimeout()
          This function must be called by run() in the derived engine implementation for the timer to work.
protected  boolean processUiQueue()
          Should be called by the run() function to process the UI request queue.
protected abstract  void processUiRequest(ServiceUiRequest requestId, java.lang.Object data)
          The derived engine implementation must call the processUiQueue() function (normally from within the run() implementation), otherwise this will not be called.
abstract  void run()
          Do some work but anything that takes longer than 1 second must be broken up.
protected  boolean setReqId(int reqId)
          Called by engines when an API call is made to ensure that the response processed matches the request.
private  void setReset(boolean value)
          Sets the reset flag.
protected  void setTimeout(long timeoutVal)
          Helper function that can be called by the derived engine implementation to start an asynchronous timer.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected EngineManager.EngineId mEngineId
All engines must set this field to a unique ID


protected BaseEngine.IEngineEventCallback mEventCallback
Callback provided by EngineManager


protected ServiceUiRequest mActiveUiRequest
Current UI Request if one is active, otherwise null.

See Also:


protected volatile java.lang.Long mCurrentTimeout
Current timeout based on current time in milliseconds if one is pending, otherwise null.


private java.lang.Boolean mCommsResponseOutstanding
true if a Comms response is waiting in the comms response queue for processing, false otherwise.


private java.lang.Integer mActiveRequestId
Set by the setReqId(int) function to store the request ID when a engine makes a request to the server. All responses received will then be filtered by this value automatically inside the processCommsInQueue() function.


private boolean mUiRequestOutstanding
true if a UI request is waiting in the UI request queue for processing, false otherwise.


private boolean mDeactivated
true if the engine is deactivated (for test purposes), false otherwise.


private java.lang.Object mMutex
mutex for thread synchronization


private boolean resetDone
Flag set when a request to reset the engine is made and the engine has performed its reset tasks.


private final java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue<BaseEngine.UiQueueItem> mUiQueue
Used to implement the UI request queue.

Constructor Detail


public BaseEngine(BaseEngine.IEngineEventCallback eventCallback)
Public constructor.

eventCallback - This interface must be implemented by the engine client
Method Detail


public abstract long getNextRunTime()
Return the absolute time in milliseconds when the engine needs to run (based on System.currentTimeMillis). (Maybe add currentTime in the future to use as the current time, to enable JUnit tests to validate timeout functionality).

-1 never needs to run, 0 needs to run as soon as possible, CurrentTime + 60000 to run in 1 minute, etc.


public abstract void run()
Do some work but anything that takes longer than 1 second must be broken up. (Maybe add currentTime as parameter, to enable JUnit tests to validate timeout functionality)


public abstract void onCreate()
This will be called immediately after creation.


public abstract void onDestroy()
This will be called just before the engine is shutdown.


public void addUiRequestToQueue(ServiceUiRequest request,
                                java.lang.Object data)
Helper function for use by the derived engine class to add a UI request to the queue. This will be run from the UI thread


public EngineManager.EngineId engineId()
Return id for this engine.

EngineId identifying concrete engine


private BaseEngine.UiQueueItem fetchNextUiRequest()
Helper function for use by the derived engine class to fetch the next UI request from the queue. Returns null if the queue is empty.


protected boolean isUiRequestOutstanding()
Helper function to determine if there is any work outstanding in the UI request queue. Returns false if the queue is empty.


private void onUiRequestComplete(ServiceUiRequest request,
                                 ServiceStatus status,
                                 java.lang.Object data)
Helper function which must be called to complete a UI request. Normally this will not be called directly by the derived engine implementation. Instead the completeUiRequest function should be used.

request - The request Id to complete
status - The ServiceStatus code
data - Response data (object type is request specific)


protected abstract void processCommsResponse(ResponseQueue.Response resp)
The derived engine implementation must call the processCommsInQueue() function (normally from within the run() implementation), otherwise this will not be called. This function is called for each Comms response that arrives on the in queue.

resp - The comms response


protected abstract void processUiRequest(ServiceUiRequest requestId,
                                         java.lang.Object data)
The derived engine implementation must call the processUiQueue() function (normally from within the run() implementation), otherwise this will not be called. This function is called for each UI request that arrives on the queue. It should start processing the request. If this function takes longer than 1 second to complete, it should be broken up. Once a request is finished the processUiRequest function must be called.

requestId - The UI request ID
data - Request data (object type is request specific)


protected abstract void onTimeoutEvent()
The derived engine implementation must call the processTimeout() function (normally from within the run() implementation), otherwise this will not be called. This function will be called when a timeout occurs (started by setTimeout and cancelled by clearTimeout). If this function takes longer than 1 second to complete it should be broken up.


public void onCommsInMessage()
Called by the EngineManager when a comms response is received. Will set the response outstanding flag and kick the worker thread.


protected boolean isCommsResponseOutstanding()
Should be called by the getNextRunTime() and run() functions to check if there are any comms responses waiting to be processed.

true if there are 1 or more responses to process.


protected boolean processCommsInQueue()
Should be called by the run() function to process the comms in queue. Calling this function will result in the processCommsResponse function being called once. The derived engine implementation should do its processing of each response in that function. If the engine set the request ID using the setReqId function then messages which don't match will be taken off the queue and deleted.

true if a response was taken from the queue and processed.


public static ServiceStatus genericHandleResponseType(java.lang.String requiredResp,
                                                      java.util.List<BaseDataType> data)
A helper function for the derived engine implementation to use. It checks the returned comms response data against the expected type and handles all common error cases.

requiredResp - The expected type name
data - The data received from the comms response
SUCCESS if the first element in the list is of the expected type, ERROR_COMMS if the first element in the list is an unexpected type, ERROR_COMMS_BAD_RESPONSE if data is not valid for specyfied type or null otherwise if the data is of type ZError, a suitable error code.


protected boolean processUiQueue()
Should be called by the run() function to process the UI request queue. Calling this function will result in the processUiRequest function being called once and this will be set to the active request. The derived engine implementation should do its processing of each request in that function. Note the engine must not process any more requests until the current one has been completed.

true if a response was taken from the queue and processed.


protected void completeUiRequest(ServiceStatus status)
A helper function that can be called by the derived engine implementation to complete the current UI request.

status - The result of the request


protected abstract void onRequestComplete()
This function must be implemented in the derived engine implementation. It can do any post-request complete cleanup.


protected void completeUiRequest(ServiceStatus status,
                                 java.lang.Object data)
A helper function that can be called by the derived engine implementation to complete the current UI request.

status - The result of the request
data - Response data (object type is request specific)


protected void setTimeout(long timeoutVal)
Helper function that can be called by the derived engine implementation to start an asynchronous timer. This will only work when: 1) getCurrentTimeout() is called inside the getNextRunTime() function. 2) The processTimeout() is called in the run() function 3) The onTimeoutEvent() is implemented to handle the timeout event.

timeoutVal - The timeout value (in milliseconds)


protected void clearTimeout()
Cancels the current timer (has no effect if the timer was not active).


protected long getCurrentTimeout()
The result of this function must be returned by getNextRunTime() instead of -1 for the timer to work.

The required next run time (in milliseconds) or -1 if no timer is active


protected boolean processTimeout()
This function must be called by run() in the derived engine implementation for the timer to work.

true if the timeout was processed


protected void deactivateEngine()
Called by the framework to deactivate the engine. This allows engines to be deactivated by modifying the Settings (so features can be disabled in the build).


public boolean isDeactivated()
Called by the framework to determine if the engine should run.


protected boolean setReqId(int reqId)
Called by engines when an API call is made to ensure that the response processed matches the request. If this function is not called the framework will send all responses to the engine.


protected void emptyUiRequestQueue()
Called by engines in the UI thread to cancel all UI requests. The engine should ensure that the active UI request is completed (if necessary) before calling this function.


public void onReset()
Engines can override this function to do any special handling when a reset is needed. Note: if overriden, the engine shall call the super implementation when the reset is done.


private void setReset(boolean value)
Sets the reset flag.

value - the reset state of the engine, true if reset, false if not.


boolean getReset()
Gets the reset flag.

true if the engine is reset, false if not


void clearReset()
Clears the reset flag.
