Class UpgradeEngine

  extended by com.vodafone360.people.engine.BaseEngine
      extended by com.vodafone360.people.engine.upgrade.UpgradeEngine

public class UpgradeEngine
extends BaseEngine

Checks Settings.UPGRADE_CHECK_URL for information on a software upgrade . Triggers a dialog in the UI when a newer application version is available Throttles UI events

Nested Class Summary
private  class UpgradeEngine.UpgradeEngineNetworkThread
          Thread for running an upgrade check without blocking the WorkerThread.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.vodafone360.people.engine.BaseEngine
Field Summary
private  boolean mActivated
private  long mCheckFrequencyMillis
private  Context mContext
private  boolean mForceOnce
private  long mNextRunTime
private  UpgradeEngine.UpgradeEngineNetworkThread mUpgradeEngineNetworkThread
private  UpgradeStatus mUpgradeStatus
Fields inherited from class com.vodafone360.people.engine.BaseEngine
mActiveUiRequest, mCurrentTimeout, mEngineId, mEventCallback
Constructor Summary
UpgradeEngine(Context context, BaseEngine.IEngineEventCallback eventCallback)
Method Summary
 void checkForUpdates()
          Add request to check for application update.
 long getNextRunTime()
          Return the mNextRunTime value if the feature is enabled.
 void onCreate()
          This will be called immediately after creation.
 void onDestroy()
          This will be called just before the engine is shutdown.
protected  void onRequestComplete()
          This function must be implemented in the derived engine implementation.
protected  void onTimeoutEvent()
          The derived engine implementation must call the processTimeout() function (normally from within the run() implementation), otherwise this will not be called.
protected  void processCommsResponse(ResponseQueue.Response resp)
          The derived engine implementation must call the processCommsInQueue() function (normally from within the run() implementation), otherwise this will not be called.
protected  void processUiRequest(ServiceUiRequest requestId, java.lang.Object data)
          The derived engine implementation must call the processUiQueue() function (normally from within the run() implementation), otherwise this will not be called.
 void run()
          Trigger the UpgradeEngineNetworkThread if the feature is enabled.
 void setNewUpdateFrequency()
          Sets a new value for the frequency with which to check for application updates.
private  void setNextRuntime()
Methods inherited from class com.vodafone360.people.engine.BaseEngine
addUiRequestToQueue, clearTimeout, completeUiRequest, completeUiRequest, deactivateEngine, emptyUiRequestQueue, engineId, genericHandleResponseType, getCurrentTimeout, isCommsResponseOutstanding, isDeactivated, isUiRequestOutstanding, onCommsInMessage, onReset, processCommsInQueue, processTimeout, processUiQueue, setReqId, setTimeout
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private Context mContext


private UpgradeStatus mUpgradeStatus


private long mCheckFrequencyMillis


private long mNextRunTime


private boolean mForceOnce


private boolean mActivated


private UpgradeEngine.UpgradeEngineNetworkThread mUpgradeEngineNetworkThread
Constructor Detail


public UpgradeEngine(Context context,
                     BaseEngine.IEngineEventCallback eventCallback)

context - - the context to use
eventCallback - - the engine event client to use
Method Detail


public long getNextRunTime()
Return the mNextRunTime value if the feature is enabled.

Specified by:
getNextRunTime in class BaseEngine
the mNextRunTime value if the feature is enabled.


public void run()
Trigger the UpgradeEngineNetworkThread if the feature is enabled.

Specified by:
run in class BaseEngine


private void setNextRuntime()


protected void processUiRequest(ServiceUiRequest requestId,
                                java.lang.Object data)
Description copied from class: BaseEngine
The derived engine implementation must call the processUiQueue() function (normally from within the run() implementation), otherwise this will not be called. This function is called for each UI request that arrives on the queue. It should start processing the request. If this function takes longer than 1 second to complete, it should be broken up. Once a request is finished the processUiRequest function must be called.

Specified by:
processUiRequest in class BaseEngine
requestId - The UI request ID
data - Request data (object type is request specific)


public void onCreate()
Description copied from class: BaseEngine
This will be called immediately after creation.

Specified by:
onCreate in class BaseEngine


public void onDestroy()
Description copied from class: BaseEngine
This will be called just before the engine is shutdown.

Specified by:
onDestroy in class BaseEngine


protected void onRequestComplete()
Description copied from class: BaseEngine
This function must be implemented in the derived engine implementation. It can do any post-request complete cleanup.

Specified by:
onRequestComplete in class BaseEngine


protected void onTimeoutEvent()
Description copied from class: BaseEngine
The derived engine implementation must call the processTimeout() function (normally from within the run() implementation), otherwise this will not be called. This function will be called when a timeout occurs (started by setTimeout and cancelled by clearTimeout). If this function takes longer than 1 second to complete it should be broken up.

Specified by:
onTimeoutEvent in class BaseEngine


protected void processCommsResponse(ResponseQueue.Response resp)
Description copied from class: BaseEngine
The derived engine implementation must call the processCommsInQueue() function (normally from within the run() implementation), otherwise this will not be called. This function is called for each Comms response that arrives on the in queue.

Specified by:
processCommsResponse in class BaseEngine
resp - The comms response


public void setNewUpdateFrequency()
Sets a new value for the frequency with which to check for application updates.


public void checkForUpdates()
Add request to check for application update.
