Class ContentEngine

  extended by com.vodafone360.people.engine.BaseEngine
      extended by com.vodafone360.people.engine.content.ContentEngine

public class ContentEngine
extends BaseEngine

Content engine for downloading and uploading all kind of content (pictures, videos, files)

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.vodafone360.people.engine.BaseEngine
Field Summary
private  DatabaseHelper mDbHelper
          Instance of DatabaseHelper.
private  FiFoQueue mDownloadQueue
          Queue with ContentObjects for downloads.
private  FiFoQueue mUnprocessedQueue
          Queue with unprocessed ContentObjects.
private  FiFoQueue mUploadQueue
          Queue with ContentObjects for uploads.
private  java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.Integer,ContentObject> requestContentObjectMatchTable
          Hashtable to match requests to ContentObjects.
Fields inherited from class com.vodafone360.people.engine.BaseEngine
mActiveUiRequest, mCurrentTimeout, mEngineId, mEventCallback
Constructor Summary
ContentEngine(BaseEngine.IEngineEventCallback eventCallback, DatabaseHelper dbHelper)
          Constructor for the ContentEngine.
Method Summary
 DatabaseHelper getDatabaseHelper()
          Getter for the local instance of DatabaseHelper.
 long getNextRunTime()
          Determines the next RunTime of this Engine It first processes the in-queue and then look.
 void onCreate()
          Empty implementation without function at the moment.
 void onDestroy()
          Empty implementation without function at the moment.
protected  void onRequestComplete()
          Empty implementation without function at the moment.
protected  void onTimeoutEvent()
          Empty implementation without function at the moment.
protected  void processCommsResponse(ResponseQueue.Response resp)
          Processes the response Finds the matching contentobject for the repsonse using the id of the response and sets its status to done.
 void processContentObject(ContentObject co)
          Processes one ContentObject.
 void processContentObjects(java.util.List<ContentObject> list)
          Iterates over the ContentObject list and processes every element.
private  void processQueue()
          Processes the main queue and splits it into the download and upload queues.
protected  void processUiRequest(ServiceUiRequest requestId, java.lang.Object data)
          Empty implementation of abstract method from BaseEngine.
 void run()
          run method of this engine iterates over the downloadqueue, makes requests out of ContentObjects and puts them into QueueManager queue.
Methods inherited from class com.vodafone360.people.engine.BaseEngine
addUiRequestToQueue, clearTimeout, completeUiRequest, completeUiRequest, deactivateEngine, emptyUiRequestQueue, engineId, genericHandleResponseType, getCurrentTimeout, isCommsResponseOutstanding, isDeactivated, isUiRequestOutstanding, onCommsInMessage, onReset, processCommsInQueue, processTimeout, processUiQueue, setReqId, setTimeout
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private FiFoQueue mUnprocessedQueue
Queue with unprocessed ContentObjects.


private FiFoQueue mDownloadQueue
Queue with ContentObjects for downloads.


private FiFoQueue mUploadQueue
Queue with ContentObjects for uploads.


private DatabaseHelper mDbHelper
Instance of DatabaseHelper.


private java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.Integer,ContentObject> requestContentObjectMatchTable
Hashtable to match requests to ContentObjects.

Constructor Detail


public ContentEngine(BaseEngine.IEngineEventCallback eventCallback,
                     DatabaseHelper dbHelper)
Constructor for the ContentEngine.

eventCallback - IEngineEventCallback for calling the constructor of the super class
dbHelper - Instance of DatabaseHelper
Method Detail


public final DatabaseHelper getDatabaseHelper()
Getter for the local instance of DatabaseHelper.

local instance of DatabaseHelper


public final void processContentObject(ContentObject co)
Processes one ContentObject.

co - ContentObject to be processed


public final void processContentObjects(java.util.List<ContentObject> list)
Iterates over the ContentObject list and processes every element.

list - List with ContentObjects which are to be processed


private void processQueue()
Processes the main queue and splits it into the download and upload queues.


public final long getNextRunTime()
Determines the next RunTime of this Engine It first processes the in-queue and then look.

Specified by:
getNextRunTime in class BaseEngine
time in milliseconds from now when the engine should be run


public void onCreate()
Empty implementation without function at the moment.

Specified by:
onCreate in class BaseEngine


public void onDestroy()
Empty implementation without function at the moment.

Specified by:
onDestroy in class BaseEngine


protected void onRequestComplete()
Empty implementation without function at the moment.

Specified by:
onRequestComplete in class BaseEngine


protected void onTimeoutEvent()
Empty implementation without function at the moment.

Specified by:
onTimeoutEvent in class BaseEngine


protected final void processCommsResponse(ResponseQueue.Response resp)
Processes the response Finds the matching contentobject for the repsonse using the id of the response and sets its status to done. At last the TransferComplete method of the ContentObject is called.

Specified by:
processCommsResponse in class BaseEngine
resp - Response object that has been processed


protected void processUiRequest(ServiceUiRequest requestId,
                                java.lang.Object data)
Empty implementation of abstract method from BaseEngine.

Specified by:
processUiRequest in class BaseEngine
requestId - The UI request ID
data - Request data (object type is request specific)


public final void run()
run method of this engine iterates over the downloadqueue, makes requests out of ContentObjects and puts them into QueueManager queue.

Specified by:
run in class BaseEngine
