Interface IConnection

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AuthenticationManager, HttpConnectionThread, TcpConnectionThread

public interface IConnection
extends IQueueListener

Method Summary
 boolean getIsConnected()
          Returns true if the current connection thread is connected.
 boolean getIsRpgConnectionActive()
          Returns true if we have an open RPG connection or false if we do not have one.
 void notifyOfRegainedNetworkCoverage()
          Called whenever the network coverage has been reestablished...
 void notifyOfUiActivity()
          If the UI is currently being used by the user this method gets called.
 void onLoginStateChanged(boolean isLoggedIn)
          Triggered by the ConnectionManager whenever the login engine has detected a change in the currently held session.
 void startThread()
          Starts the main connection thread.
 void stopThread()
          Stops the current connection thread. this should also stop any running sub-connection threads such as heartbeats or polls.
Methods inherited from interface com.vodafone360.people.service.transport.IQueueListener

Method Detail


void startThread()
Starts the main connection thread.


void stopThread()
Stops the current connection thread. this should also stop any running sub-connection threads such as heartbeats or polls.


void notifyOfRegainedNetworkCoverage()
Called whenever the network coverage has been reestablished...


void onLoginStateChanged(boolean isLoggedIn)
Triggered by the ConnectionManager whenever the login engine has detected a change in the currently held session. If the user has signed off for example, false will be passed as a parameter.

isLoggedIn - True if the user was just logged in, false if he was logged out.


boolean getIsConnected()
Returns true if the current connection thread is connected.

True if the connection thread is connected to the backend.


boolean getIsRpgConnectionActive()
Returns true if we have an open RPG connection or false if we do not have one.

True if the RPG connection is currently active or false otherwise.


void notifyOfUiActivity()
If the UI is currently being used by the user this method gets called.
