
Class Summary
QueueManager A facade class used for adding and removing from the request and response queues.
QueueManager.QueueManagerHolder Use Initialization on demand holder pattern
Request Container class for Requests issued from client to People server via the transport layer.
RequestQueue Holds a queue of outgoing requests.
RequestQueue.RequestQueueHolder Use Initialization on demand holder pattern
ResponseQueue Queue of responses received from server.
ResponseQueue.Response Class encapsulating a decoded response from the server A Response contains; a request id which should match a request id from a request issued by the People Client (responses to non-RPG requests or non-solicited messages will not have a request id), the request data, a list of decoded BaseDataTypes generated from the response content and an engine id informing the framework which engine the response should be routed to.
ResponseQueue.ResponseQueueHolder Use Initialization on demand holder pattern

Enum Summary
Request.Type Request types, these are based on the content requested from, or delivered to, the server, and whether the returned response contains a type identifier or not.
