Package com.vodafone360.people.engine.contactsync

Interface Summary
ContactSyncEngine.IContactSyncObserver Observer interface allowing interested parties to receive notification of changes in Contact sync state.
IContactSyncCallback Observer interface used within Contact sync engine to allow processor to report status back to the main Contact sync engine.
NativeContactsApi.ContactsObserver The Observer interface to receive notifications about changes in the native address book.
NativeContactsApi2.PeopleProfileColumns Convenience interface to map the generic DATA column names to the People profile detail column names.
ProcessorFactory The ProcessorFactory interface provides a way to create processors.

Class Summary
BaseSyncProcessor Base-class for processor handling for the various stages of Contact sync.
ContactChange Class describing a Contact Change.
ContactSyncEngine Implementation of engine handling Contact-sync.
ContactSyncEngine.SyncParams Holds parameters for the UI sync request
DefaultProcessorFactory The DefaultProcessorFactory implements the ProcessorFactory interface and is the default factory used by the ContactSyncEngine.
DownloadServerContacts Handles download of contacts from People server.
DownloadServerThumbnails_old Handles download of Contact thumbnails from the People server.
FetchNativeContacts Processor handling retrieval of contacts from the native database.
NativeContactsApi Class that provides an abstraction layer for accessing the Native Contacts API.
NativeContactsApi.Account This Account class represents an available account on the device where the native synchronization can be performed.
NativeContactsApi1 The implementation of the NativeContactsApi for the Android 1.X platform.
NativeContactsApi2 The implementation of the NativeContactsApi for the Android 2.X platform.
NativeImporter The NativeImporter class is responsible for importing contacts from the native address book to the people database.
NativeImporter.NCCComparator Native ContactChange Comparator class.
PeopleContactsApi The PeopleContactsApi wrapper class of the People contacts database.
SyncStatus In memory store for the current state of the Contacts sync engine.
UpdateNativeContacts Processor handling the update of contacts in the Native database based on changes received during sync with People server.
UploadServerContacts Processor handling upload of contacts to the People server.

Enum Summary
ContactSyncEngine.Mode Defines the contact sync mode.
ContactSyncEngine.State Definition of states for Contact sync.
DownloadServerContacts.InternalState Enumeration which holds the various states for the download server processor.
SyncStatus.Task Sync tasks, each of which corresponds to a specific processor.
SyncStatus.TaskStatus Sync task status.
UploadServerContacts.InternalState Internal states supported by the processor.
