Package com.vodafone360.people.database.tables

Class Summary
ActivitiesTable Contains all the functionality related to the activities database table.
ActivitiesTable.TimelineSummaryItem This class encapsulates a timeline activity item.
ContactChangeLogTable Contains all the functionality related to the contact change log database table.
ContactChangeLogTable.ContactChangeInfo Wraps up the data present in the change log table
ContactDetailsTable Provides a wrapper for all the operations on the Contact Details Table.
ContactDetailsTable.NativeIdInfo Holds the Native Contact information that is stored in the database for a contact detail.
ContactGroupsTable Contains all the functionality related to the contact groups database table.
ContactGroupsTable.ContactGroup Represents the data stored in a record
ContactSourceTable Contains all the functionality related to the contact source database table.
ContactSourceTable.ContactSource Represents the data stored in a record
ContactsTable Contains all the functionality related to the Contacts database table.
ContactsTable.ContactIdInfo Contains ID information used to identify a contact.
ContactSummaryTable The ContactSummaryTable contains a summary of important contact details for each contact such as name, status and Avatar availability.
GroupsTable Contains all the functionality related to the Groups database table.
NativeChangeLogTable Contains all the functionality related to the native contact change log database table.
NativeChangeLogTable.ContactChangeInfo Wraps up the data present in the change log table
PresenceTable PresenceTable...
StateTable Contains all the functionality related to the state database table.

Enum Summary
ActivitiesTable.Field An enumeration of all the field names in the database.
ActivitiesTable.TimelineNativeTypes An enumeration of supported timeline types.
ActivitiesTable.TimelineSummaryItem.Type Enum of Timeline types.
ContactChangeLogTable.ContactChangeType Enumerates the type of changes supported by this table, including: DELETE_CONTACT: A contact has been deleted from the database and needs to be deleted on the server.
ContactChangeLogTable.Field An enumeration of all the field names in the database.
ContactDetailsTable.Field Associates a constant with a field string in the People database.
ContactGroupsTable.Field An enumeration of all the field names in the database.
ContactSourceTable.Field An enumeration of all the field names in the database.
ContactsTable.Field An enumeration of all the field names in the database.
ContactSummaryTable.Field An enumeration of all the field names in the database.
ConversationsTable.Field An enumeration of all the field names in the database, containing ID, LOCAL_CONTACT_ID, USER_ID, NETWORK_ID, NETWORK_STATUS.
GroupsTable.Field An enumeration of all the field names in the database.
NativeChangeLogTable.ContactChangeType Enumerates the type of changes supported by this table, including: DELETE_CONTACT: A contact has been deleted from the database and needs to be deleted in the native.
NativeChangeLogTable.Field An enumeration of all the field names in the database.
PresenceTable.Field An enumeration of all the field names in the database, containing ID, LOCAL_CONTACT_ID, USER_ID, NETWORK_ID, NETWORK_STATUS.
StateTable.Field An enumeration of all the field names in the database.
